Thursday, April 19, 2007


I have had a cold since last Friday and I haven't been able to take anything. It's driving me nuts! Also, I just wanted to let everyone know, that thrush is not just something that babies get. Adults can get it, too, and it sucks! If your baby ever gets thrush and your doctor tells you that it doesn't hurt the baby, tell him he's on crack. It hurts immensely. And, if you have oral thrush while you are pregnant, there's not a whole lot you can do! Anyway, this is just me venting my frustrations because I also have to stay away from sugar because thrush is caused by yeast and yeast feeds on sugar. Life is not fair!

If you would like to know more, check out these websites:

Sorry if this posting grossed anyone out, but it's good information to know!


Nata said...

Are you a Candida-head like me, or is this just some random outbreak?

Lori's Latest said...

As far as I know this is just a random outbreak!

oljonnyhurd said...

So gross. But then I'd expect nothing less from the sickliest girl ever to travel with Vitamin C.

Unknown said...

Lori, Brooke and I passed thrush back and forth for 5 monthes while I was nursing her-painful and not fun!

Angela said...

How's preggy Lori doing???