Monday, July 30, 2007

One more week!

One week from today is my due date! I can't believe how fast time has gone by. In some ways it doesn't seem like enough time - we still have so much to do to get ready for the baby. In other ways, it seems like too long - as much as I enjoy feeling her move inside, GET HER OUT!!! My sister predicted that I would go into labor yesterday because of the full moon. Here's hoping that I will go in the next few days. My doctor told me that she won't let me go any longer than 10 days past my due date. I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG!!!!!!!! I want to meet my little girl. I know this post sounds like mad ramblings, but don't forget that I am 15 months pregnant (or so it feels!), it is the middle of summer (crazy heat!), and I am severely sleep deprived (I know, it's only going to get worse!). Hopefully my next post will be as a new mommy with a picture of our newest family member.


Sarah said...

Hey Lori,

I got your message (finally). I just haven't been home long enough to phone! Ben and I are headed for Ottawa Sunday afternoon and then we'll be flying for Prague on Tuesday.

Hard to believe that your baby will be here soon! I hope everything goes well with your delivery. You must be excited. If I can locate your number I'll try to give you a call.

Elizabeth said...

Today is your due date, right?? Has she arrived? Praying for you three!

Jon and Renae said...

Lori, You're doing great! You sound just like any normal pregnant lady! This little girl will be out into your arms very very soon and than the hard, but beautiful work really begins. You'll be a lovely family. Remember there are Ups and Downs and don't be afriad to share it all. We love you and are parying for you!
Renae, Jon, and McKinney Antolick

Angela said...

Assuming your baby is here and you just haven't got time to announce it! (We ALL know how that goes!)

Can't wait to hear the news!